Appointments: 800.787.2568

Mammovan visiting Amazon Warehouse

January 26, 2023 Uncategorized

The Mammovan is visiting the Amazon Fulfillment Center located at 6001 E. Tropical Pkwy in Las Vegas on Wednesday, February 1.


Appointments are available from 7:40 a.m. to 3:20 p.m. by calling 877.581.6266, option #1.


Mammography screenings are primarily for women age 40 and older; however, screenings are provided to those younger than 40 that have a screening referral from a provider.


Early detection is key in the fight against breast cancer, so access to screenings is critically important. To accommodate women who are due for a mammography screening, we continually criss-cross the state and stop in communities of all size.

Appointments: 800.787.2568